Peak Nutrition Employee Spotlight – Meet Heidi

Peak Nutrition is proud to have built a team of exceptional people with exceptional stories.

We’re so excited to introduce a new blog series called “Peak Employee Spotlights,” where we feature an outstanding team member of the Peak Nutrition family who truly embodies our slogan: “Raise Your Standard.”

Everybody, meet Heidi!


Tell us about yourself! Name, store location/role in the company, and a small background of your personal story.

Hi there! My name is Heidi Davidson and I’m a current Nutritionist at the Scottsdale Peak Nutrition location.

Health and fitness has been extremely important to me in my life over the past few years. The week of my 14th birthday, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I now had a chronic condition that was going to be with me my whole life.

I wanted to rise above and not let this trial get me down. Knowing how to take care of myself with the right nutrition and exercise has made living with Type 1 Diabetes a lot more manageable.

I’ve had many experiences to be able to help other people through this challenge as well. I have my ups and downs, but it’s made me stronger and the person that I am today. It’s been such a blessing in disguise.

How long have you been an employee at Peak Nutrition and what is your go-to supplement that you love the most?

I’ve been working at Peak Nutrition for almost 4 months now, and it is my absolute favorite place ever! My go-to supplement is 1st phorm’s Protein Isolate in the flavor of chocolate mint cookie. It tastes EXACTLY like a girl scout cookie. Plus it’s a lot better for you than a box of cookies 🙂

In what ways has the Peak Nutrition community positively impacted your life?

Peak Nutrition challenges me everyday to become better and better. I want to become the best version of myself. But I couldn’t have done this on my own. I owe a lot of thanks to my co-workers who are my support system and our sweet customers in the community who are some of my biggest cheerleaders.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen within yourself since you’ve been a part of the Peak Nutrition community?

I have seen a lot of changes in my life since working at Peak. A few months ago, I was honestly in quite a dark place. I was lonely and depressed. I was lost and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I have never been happier since being a part of the Peak team.

My personal development has been crazy the last few months. Every value and principle that I have learned at Peak I try to apply into all areas of my life. I’ve found so much more happiness and success in my life.

What keeps you motivated? What is your “WHY?”

I feel so much light in my life when people come in and see results. I want to help as many people as possible reach their fitness goals. I want to be their cheerleader. I want their struggles and challenges to be heard and validated. I want people to feel loved and supported and know that I’ll be a part of their fitness journey, every step of the way.

If you could describe the Peak Nutrition community in 3 words, what would they be?

Driven, focused, committed

Make sure to join our community and follow us on Instagram @peakAZ, and come visit us at one of our store locations!



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